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1500 € perdus par collaborateur chaque année.
100 collaborateurs = 150 000 € perdus par an sans compter la perte de toutes les améliorations qualitatives induites (ambiance, QVT, décloisonnement, …)
Ces 1500 € correspondent à tous les gaspillages présents dans tous vos processus (non qualité, mouvements inutiles, fabrication supérieure à la demande, stocks, surabondants, arrêts machines, transports et déplacements inutiles, ...)
Ce sont les personnes qui mettent en œuvre ces processus qui les connaissent le mieux.
Augmentez leur créativité, leurs compétences, leur initiative et vous verrez émerger 10 à 30 idées de progrès chaque année pour supprimer ces gaspillages et faciliter leur vie au travail.
Visualisez la vidéo explicative de 2 mn en cliquant sur l’image.
Adoptez les meilleures pratiques mondiales en matière de management des idées de progrès de tous et vous obtiendrez ce résultat : 1500 € d'économie en moyenne pour chaque collaborateur et ceci chaque année.
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Une Idée Idéale c’est quoi ?
Une idée simple, peu couteuse qui permet de faire un saut de progrès important dans un délai court.
Une idée Idéale obtient 5 étoiles sur les critères de faisabilité, de rentabilité, de délai et de généralisation.
Les idées idéales naissent dans le terreau de l’amélioration continue.
Plus il y a d’idées d’amélioration nouvelles émises plus il y a de chance d’obtenir des Idées Idéales.
Une seule idée Idéale peut transformer votre business.
Comparons la situation de 2 entreprises ;
Entreprise 1 : Entreprise SANS solution d’innovation participative :
Nombre d’idées de progrès émises par personne et par an : 1 idée/personne/an
Pourcentage d’idées transformées en actions de progrès : 5%
Economies réalisées : souvent aucun chiffrage et pas de mesure de l’impact sur la marge de l’entreprise.
Idées Idéales : Très peu de chances d'en obtenir
Entreprise 2 : Entreprise AVEC une solution d’innovation participative (des principes pour guider, des outils pour agir, une organisation pour impliquer)
Nombre d’idées de progrès émises par personne et par an : 12 à 20 idées/personne/an
Pourcentage d’idées transformées en actions de progrès : 80%
Economies réalisées : en moyenne 1500 € par collaborateur chaque année.
Idées Idéales : 12 fois plus de chance d’en obtenir.
Pourquoi le résultat de la situation 2 :
- C’est une réponse à une attente forte des collaborateurs dont 2/3 souhaitent que l'on sollicite leurs idées
- Le rôle de soutien renforcé du hiérarchique vis-à-vis de l’émetteur de l’idée renforce le climat de confiance
- La réalisation des idées augmente la motivation et crée un dynamique d’implication, d’autres idées sont émises et réalisées, l’idée idéale n’est plus très loin…
C'est le moment d'accélérer votre dynamique de progrès et de placer
votre organisation dans la situation 2
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After identified your key innovation challenges reachable, useful, targeted and also unified with your company's ambition and strategic goals - it's time to focus on how to communicate them in a simple and effective way that ensures rich, intelligible, and attractive content :
▪ Make your innovation challenges as specific as you can : Break down the large-scale themes of your challenges into smaller challenges. We have learned that the more concrete and focused the objectives of your challenge are, the more creative the innovators become. Therefore, the ideas you get will be more innovative.
▪ Clearly articulate and justify the need behind the challenge : Explain exactly why all participants can obtain from the challenge.
▪ Contextualize the problem and share the conclusions : Try to learn about everything that has been done previously under the challenge theme, whether by your own company or by your competitors. A such high expertise can bring opportunities, avoids dead end and provides key elements to explain the challenge in the most detectable way possible to the attendees.
▪ Stimulate the conceptualization of the ideas related to the challenge : This idea can be very useful in the process of sharing the learning, the explanation of the context in the Innovation Challenge and in the fact to include new collaborators.
▪ Also make sure to respect the grammar and spelling by sending clear messages :
- The challenges communication must use correct syntactic structures and clear sentences.
The vocabulary must be familiar to the attendees. It might be that the slang language of the company or the technical language is clear to you, but think that it might be not clear to others. Direct questions are a good option when it is used in a positive way. This is also the case for more advanced exploration challenges.
If people do not understand the challenges they face, how can you expect them to participate ? Unclear language will compromise the future participation of your hearing.
Here is a client's vision on this topic :
« It is very important to add your knowledge and share it so that collaborators are involved in the verification of that knowledge. In general, our knowledge includes descriptive information and statistical data provided by the subject area. We want to ensure that our teams understand the challenges, especially when they are more complex. And we also want to avoid the submission of ideas that we have already implemented or discussed.
Imagine the challenge « How to encourage SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises) to set up their online shops ? »: In this case, we should present statistical information on our country's SMEs, explaining how many they are, what type and so on.., so that employees understand better the objective. We should also mention the current offers, changes and improvements that have already been planned as well as potentially attractive offers, analyzed but not yet on the market (e.g. trying to move away the obvious ideas) that our company can provide to her customers.»
Finally, try these questions to get started :
▪ Am I clearly communicate how we can all get from this challenge ?
▪ Is it really one or several challenges ? If so, which ones ?
▪ Are we asking the right questions ?
▪ What are the other ways that it has been tried in the past ?
▪ Do we provide enough knowledge to lead the conceptualization ?
Here is the formulation of some challenges that can help you as a starting point for a challenge well adapted to your specificities.
1. What are our ideas for developing the mindset of continuous improvement in all our employees ?
2. What are our ideas to win 30% more customers in the coming year ?
3. What are our ideas to increase our operating margin by 30% in the next 12 months ?
4. What ideas to develop new profitable activities for our group?
5. How can we create economic value while preserving the environment and social connection ?
6. What are your ideas to improve the efficiency of our team/department : ? - to better satisfy our customers (internal and/or external) in quality / time ? - to consume fewer resources (man time, delay, costs,...) while providing the same value to our customers (internal and/or external)?
7. How do we encourage our employees to become even more involved in innovation and how do we ensure that they do ?
8. What are the simple,cheap and easy ideas to implement that can improve my work ?
9. What are your ideas to sort better the waste?
10.What do you have as ideas to reduce the risk of accidents?
11. What do we have as ideas to improve our working conditions while increasing the operating margin ?
12. How do we push our customers to innovate ?
13. How do we push our suppliers to innovate ?
14. How can we increase our motivation, the number of customers and our margin ?
15. How to increase the security mentality ?
16. How can we sharel and capitalize the ideas and actions that have boosted the operational results of our business / our developments ?
17. How can we use all the intelligence of the company every day ?
18. How can we create a break to build together a "concept" that leads men to continuous progress every day ?
19. How can we keep the awakening and momentum gained by the introduction of a new participatory innovation tool and prevent the breath from dropping?
20. What are our ideas to keep and develop our activity in the territory ?
21. How to treat the pleasure of innovating in a realistic (and therefore profitable) management framework ?
22. How do we get more ideas from customers ? They are in a better position to describe their own needs. E.g: a system of improvement ideas categorised by products / services ?
23. How can we double the number of membership ?
24. What can we do to get our customers involved in our development?
25. What are our ideas to fully employ all the employees of the company, in the best state of mind for them, with the objective to offer a better service to the customers ?
26. What are our ideas for doing better, faster, easier ?
27. How to develop innovative products and services for customers ?
28. What are your ideas for future products / services ?
29. What are our ideas to reach 0 waste in our company ?
30. What new managementl skills do we need to manage in order to gain a crucial competitive advantage ?
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Immediate understanding,intuitive use
two key factors for success
of collaborative innovation
Every day we study CI projects from our Clients and Prospects and we notice that some decision makers are tempted by a tool that appears to know how to do everything.
A tool, often expensive, presented as if it would generate magically new ideas: motivation, cognitive, predictive ... in short the illusion of a Swiss knife of Collaborative Innovation.
Unfortunately, this Swiss knife looks like a real gas factory with a plethora of features that make you forget the essential.
The key is the human factor, the brainpower of each employee and the way in which that brainpower is used.
A collaborative innovation project must have three components (principles, organization and tool) that interacts and creates coherence, meaning and ambition for the project.
A user will participate if and only if the tool at their disposal delivers a clear, simple, easy-to-understand message that values their personal contribution.
As part of the defined project, the software tool, before being predictive, intelligent, or any other superlative, must make the user wants to post his ideas.
And for that, he has 30 seconds overall to convince.
The immediate understanding, the first key to the success of any CI project, is based on the perceived simplicity of the chosen solution and gives access to the second key to success : the intuitive use of the tool.
This goes through the details, which are often imperceptible, but which ultimately make all the difference.
IdeasMine was built with one guiding principle that proves our difference : simplicity.
Simplicity to get to the bottom of the matter and for which we have put our 25 years of experience acquired with our 400 customers.
Complexity frightens and encourages self-limitation, simplicity reassures and facilitates commitment.
Bruno Recchia IT Manager AL Consulting Nov 2016.
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IdeasMine focuses on improving organizational performance by transforming ideas into action and facilitating sharing best practices.
IdeasMine is simple, accessible without the need of Customer-based resources and can be adapted easily to all your specific needs.The administration of the site is flexible and makes the Client completely autonomous.
IdeasMine,as the result of AL Consulting's expertise on Collaborative Innovation and Lean Management: ensures you the success of a sustainable implementation, and lets you reach your main objectives.
IdeasMine is reliable and secure (https), hosted by a French company European leader OVH. IdeasMine has been selected by the IT Department of a major international bank and validated by a global automotive supplier.
With The IdeasMine Solution, You get the Best Value for "Money"
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Rating made from our 4 years of experience on this subject.
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I have a very simple question for you...
Look at the following 2 numbers. They are among the most important figures of your business.
15% - 50%
This is the range of your percentage increase in your operating margin if you duplicate most of the strategies of the top global companies.
Each year hundreds of companies improve their margins by 15 to 50%.
So here's the question...
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The FAURECIA Groupe is the CLIENT of AL Consulting since 2001
To discover a key tool of Participatory Innovation
create an account on http://demo.ideasmine.net