
The 4 unique Benefits of IdeasMine - IDEASMINE | La puissance de l'Innovation Participative

The 4 unique Benefits of IdeasMine

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  1. IdeasMine focuses on improving organizational performance by transforming ideas into action and facilitating sharing best practices.

  2. IdeasMine is simple, accessible without the need of Customer-based resources and can be adapted easily  to all your specific needs.The administration of the site is flexible and makes the Client completely autonomous.

  3. IdeasMine,as the result of AL Consulting's expertise on Collaborative Innovation and Lean Management: ensures you the success of a sustainable implementation, and lets you reach your main objectives.

  4. IdeasMine is reliable and secure (https), hosted by a French company  European leader OVH. IdeasMine has been selected by the IT Department of a major international bank and validated by a global automotive supplier.


   With The IdeasMine Solution, You get the  Best Value for  "Money" 


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AL Consulting
7 rue Fourcade
75015 PARIS
Phone #: +33232563400
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